SPC-GIZ Climate Change Vanuatu Team |
insufficient adaptation abilities. The predicted sea-level rise, changes in precipitation patterns and rising temperatures will have negative effects on these countries. Coastal erosion, salt water intrusion, changes to cyclone, and changing ecosystems place a heavy burden on the sustainable development of the PICs.
The ‘Coping with climate change in the Pacific Island Region (CCCPIR)’ programme aims to strengthen the capacities of Pacific member countries and regional organisations to cope with the impacts of climate change. The programme is funded by the government of the Federal Republic of Germany through the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented through GIZ working in partnership with SPC and SPREP.
The programme commenced its activities in
2009 working with Fiji, Tonga and Vanuatu.
As of 2011 it has been expanded to another
nine Pacific Island Countries and the
duration has been extended until 2015.
At the regional level, the project aligns with
the Pacific Island Framework for Action on
Climate Change 2006-2015 (PIFACC)
In Vanuatu, the CCCPIR programme has enabled mainstreaming at the national level including an
amendment of the Environmental Management & Conservation Act and its associated Regulations. In addition the programme supported climate integration in the new National Curriculum Statement. A draft National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy is nearing completion and national endorsement after months of stakeholder consultations and expert technical inputs throughout the country and across sectors. CCCPIR is currently involved in the mainstreaming of an amendment to the Foreshore Development Act.
At the sectoral level, CCCPIR has completed a revision and mainstreaming of the National Forest
Policy, and is working with the National Provident Fund to mainstream a new Livestock Investment
Scheme. Recently CCCPIR has initiated a programme to mainstream climate change considerations into land use planning including the development of a draft National Land Use Planning Policy, and revising the Land Lease Issuance Process to include CCA & DRR considerations. CCCPIR hasAt the sectoral level, CCCPIR has completed a revision and mainstreaming of the National Forest Policy, and is working with the National Provident Fund to mainstream a new Livestock Investment Scheme. Recently CCCPIR has initiated a programme to mainstream climate change considerations into land use planning including the development of a draft National Land Use Planning Policy, and revising the Land Lease Issuance Process to include CCA & DRR considerations. CCCPIR has also
developed a draft National Climate Change Communication Strategy. Recently the Vanuatu
programme has joined forces with the Vanuatu Meteorology Services to develop Seasonal Climate
Forecasts with adaptation advice to farmers.
Informed members and skilled trainers of the different sectors of the society are the basis for a sustainable change. Specific activities in Vanuatu have included the training of departmental directors and DGs, training of journalists, GIS trainings for land sector officials, training for agriculture extension officers, training of lecturers and teachers, and practical training on CC adaptation with communities. The programme has developed Vanuatu’s first Bislama-language DVD on Climate Change in Vanuatu, disseminated to over 30 islands and over 100 communities in Vanuatu
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